Thursday, March 22, 2012

9 months old

I am really getting behind on these updates, so I best go ahead and write about 9 months before 10 months rolls around the corner!

We have had quite the month.  Andrew officially started crawling and now there is no stopping him.  He does not want to be held any longer, instead he wishes to crawl from room to room.  His poor knees show how much he is on the move, but he seems unfazed by his war wounds!  Ollie does not know what to think about the this little being that now chases him around the house.  I feel like the poor pup has several years of taunting in his future!

In other news Andrew underwent his first surgery in order to get tubes.  Poor little buddy has had about 5 ear infections since December, so we finally got the ok from Dr. H to see Dr. L about his ears.  We had to be at the hospital bright and early at 5:45 for the procedure.  Everyone there was very sweet and Andrew did very well.  He went straight into the arms of the nurse that took him to the O.R.  Although he came back a little fussy, all in all he did very well.  Once we got a little food in him and he had a nap, he spent the rest of the days with big smiles.  I hope this all helps keep ear infections away, because I hate keeping him on antibiotic after antibiotic.  We are currently on one week of ear drops, which is a fun little adventure in and of itself, but he handles it all fairly well.

Daddy and Andrew waiting to get tubes

After surgery.  Happy as always!

We also celebrated St. Patrick's Day with Andrew.  It is no secret that green happens to be my favorite color, and this also happens to be our favorite holiday.  So, of course I made sure Andrew was dressed for the occasion.  

Other big news is that we will be leaving St. P's and going to a new daycare downtown.  We always knew that they may call and let us know they had a spot open, we just didn't realize it would be so soon.  It was the first time Jeremy and I have had to make a really tough decision concerning Andrew.  We absolutely love St. P's and feel that they have given Andrew so much love since he started there at 12 weeks old.  We are going to miss all of his teachers so much, but we know that his new school will be great for him in the years to come.  This was purely a logistics move as we are looking at moving in the next few years and several of the areas we are looking just aren't close to St. P's, whereas our new school is located downtown next to my office so location of our house will not be an issue.  We will start the first of April.  Please pray that Andrew transitions well, and does not have any major issues getting used to his new school.

You can't see it, but I now have two top teeth!

Milestones and such:
Weighs 23 lbs
Crawling like crazy
Can stand for just a few seconds unassisted
Still full of smiles
Hates getting his nose sucked
Does not like shoes or socks (puts his socks in his mouth instead)
Loves to ride in the stroller
Still saying Dada, but no Mama yet
Still loving bath time with Dad
Wearing anywhere from 18-24 month clothing
Has thighs that Mom calls ham hocks!
Continues to sleep like a champ (THANK GOODNESS!)

We love this little guy more and more each day.  I continue to thank God everyday for this miracle!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Playing Catch Up

I am running about 4 weeks behind on updates, so I am going to do my best to play catch up.  Andrew has been busy growing (he is 23lbs now) and learning new tricks.  As of last week, we officially have a crawler!  It only took visiting Infant II for a few days and watching the big kids before he finally got the hang of it.  He officially started Infant II today, so I am sure he will be picking up new things everyday now that he has several older babies to watch and imitate. 

Andrew enjoyed his first Valentines Day and wore a cute onesie to school in honor of the day. 

Here is a video of the little guy crawling.  He is OBESESSED with our remote control.  I went and got him a "play" remote in an effort to keep him from constantly changing our channels and turning the t.v. on and off, but he wants nothing to do with the toy remote.  Oh well!

Other things of note so that I can remember.  Andrew is obsessed with playing the the Butt Paste or the Saline drops while we change his diaper.  If he does not have either one of those in his hands, he will cry like a mad man.  He also continues to love his Mum Mums and sweet potato puffs.  Those two things are the only reason Jeremy and I are able to go out to dinner with him most nights.  They keep him occupied just long enough for us to eat our dinner.  He and Ollie are getting along pretty well despite the fact that Andrew will grab huge chunks of his fur.  Ollie is surprisingly being a good sport about things.  We have our 9 month check-up with Dr. H this week, so I will update later with his stats.