Thursday, April 21, 2011

34 weeks and Showering Baby Owen Part II and III

34 weeks pregnant and 6 weeks to go until the arrival of Baby Owen.  My doctors appointment went well today.  Updates are as follows....

Weight- I have gained approximately 19 lbs.
Blood Pressure- still good
Measuring right on track
Heart Rate of Baby- 150

Will go back in 2 weeks which will be the start of my weekly appointments until the birth! 

I have been lucky enough to have 2 more showers for Baby Owen.  The first was hosted by my sister in law Jennifer, sister Clare, Aunt in Law Yvonne, and my two wonderful college roomies Amanda and Linsey.  They outdid themselves from the invitations to the food.  Here are a few photos from the event below.

Wonderful hand iced cookies.  Notice the Auburn onesies!
Amanda, me, Linsey
Jennifer, me, Mrs. Owen
Mom and I
Jennifer, Yvonne, Mom, me, Mrs. Owen
32 weeks

The Yummy Spread of Food!

The second shower came the next week and was hosted by my Bunko group.  Erin put things together at her house with my favorite Tazikis Friday Special for dinner.  Everything turned out beautifully, and Baby Owen received several more much needed gifts.  I am so lucky to have such wonderful friends!  No pictures from this shower (I forgot to take pictures!), but believe me it was great!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Weighing In

I saw the following series of questions on another blog and I thought it was a fun way to remember how things are going week by week.  So here goes....

How far along?:  33 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: I have an appointment next week, but I think I have gained about 17-18 lbs.

Maternity clothes?:  Yep!  Have two pairs of maternity scrubs that I alternate between during the week!  Scrub tops are getting pretty tight.  I keep singing that song from Tommy Boy where Chris Farley says "Fat guy in a little coat" over and over b/c that is what I feel like when I am trying to wear my scrub tops.  On the weekends I live in my maternity jeans. 

Sleep: Ehh, not so great.  Can't get comfortable, and I get up to go the bathroom at least 4-5 times a night.

Best moment this week: Finally getting the landscaping complete in our front yard!  It looks great. 

Movement: Baby Owen is head down which means his/her legs have been camping out in my rib cage.  This makes for several uncomfortable moments during the day! 

Food cravings: Sweets, anything chocolate, and chips!

Gender: To Be Determined in 7 weeks, but Jeremy and I still think boy!

Belly Button in or out?: Innie and holding strong.

Stretchmarks?: Not yet, and lathering on lotion daily in the hopes I won't get any.

What I miss: Margaritas and working out. 

What I am looking forward to: My appointment next week to hear the babies heartbeat (never gets old) and to see Baby Owen on ultrasound.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Showering Baby Owen

I had my first shower for Baby Owen (or Cletus the Fetus as my sister calls it!) this past week at work.  They put together a wonderful luncheon, and we received a gift card to Buy Buy Baby for entirely too much!  I am lucky to work with  such thoughtful and caring people.  They have lived and breathed the entire infertility journey with me from diagnosis to the day I received one of the best phone calls of my life!  They are all like family to me, and I am blessed to have them in my life. 

The awesome diaper castle!

Me in front of the spread of food

Bradley, Page, and Alison
Our 3 wonderful Aubun Au.D. students!

Christine and Alison

Linda and Josie

Patti, Debbie, Me, Josie, and Christine