Sunday, July 24, 2011

6 weeks Old

Andrew is smiling a lot more these days which makes the sleepless nights worth it!  I think we are getting close to dropping one of his early morning feedings, so here is hoping for a little more sleep in the future. 

I have decided that his Hippo Lovie is going to be his favorite toy.  He sleeps with it at every nap.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


I was going through our Flip Video camera and found the following clips.  One is from Andrews first moments on the "outside", and the other is when we told our families the sex of the baby.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

5 weeks

The little man is 5 weeks old!  He was weighing in at 9 lbs 10 oz as of Monday, but still remains long ane lean like his Daddy.  I think (or maybe I am just willing it) that I am seeing some of me in him the older he gets, but there is still no denying that he looks like Jeremy. 

On a side note....
I received a letter in the mail yesterday from Catholic Family Services.  It said that our turn has finally come up to begin the home study process in preparation for adoption.  I remember when I made that call to get on the list which was over a year and a half ago.  We were in such a different place at that time.  I had been told that the chances of me having a biological child were slim to none; devastation was an understatement for our feelings back then.  Fast forward to June 6th, 2011.  I can't begin to tell you the overwhelming emotions of the day.  At 5:37 pm I was holding in my arms what most believed would never be possible.  It just goes to show you the power of prayer and perseverance, and to always believe that the seemingly impossible CAN be possible.  All the months of crazy diets, acupuncture, herbal teas, pills, shots, ultrasounds, blood work, and procedures were worth it because we got Andrew in the end. 

Jeremy and I are so lucky to have him in our lives, and that we get to be his parents!

Friday, July 8, 2011

4 weeks old

Andrew was one month old on Monday, and he is definitely developing a little personality.  He is continuing his love of MILK, and eats all of the time.  He loves his swing more than anything and it continues to be his favorite place to nap. 

I have also discovered that he is a "hot box" just like his Daddy.  He radiates heat which is why I think he does not like going on walks because he gets super hot in his car seat.  Hopefully he will enjoy our walks around the neighborhood in the Fall much more when things cool down a bit. 

He has started to smile more often which is precious, and on thd flip side he also pokes his bottom lip out when he is upset which is just so sad and cute!  We try and do a little tummy time everyday, but I don't think he is a huge fan.  I think his favorite wake time activity is to lay on his changing pad and just look out the window.

Ollie contemplating how to regain his number one status!

Tummy Time