Tuesday, December 27, 2011

28 weeks- My first Christmas

Andrew has a very eventful first Christmas with lots of family and lots of traveling.  Not only did he celebrate his first Christmas, but he also had his first flight to Houston.  We did a small family Christmas here at our house first, then proceeded to have Christmas number 2 over at the Owens' house, and finally his last Christmas was with the Dempsey family in Houston.  Needless to say, Andrew racked up on lots of fun gifts and had a great time visiting with all of his family. 

Andrews loot!

I am so excited!

Opening gifts

Another first for him happened on the 23rd of December.  We were leaving Jeremy's parents house and his Dad (Papa) was waving goodbye to him, and low and behold Andrew waved back!  It was so cute, and he has not stopped waving since! 

Andrew also had his first visit with Santa.  He did quite well, although I am sure next year will be a different story!
Meeting Santa for the 1st time with cousin Owen
Several posts below as well!

27 weeks

Not much to update at 27 weeks.  Andrew has been doing great with daycare, and I absolutely continue to love his teachers.  I pretty much want to keep him from crawling because that is the marker for having him move up to the next class.  I know we have to move on, but his sweet teachers (Ms. Cindy, Mrs. Pam, and Mrs. Ellen) have all been so good to him in different ways, and have definitely kept Jeremy and I on track!

He continues to be such a smiley baby, and is really starting to "chat" quite a bit these days.  He oohs and ahh and of course laughs all of the time.  He especially likes to hear mom sing a bad version of "The Wheels on the Bus" and "Pat a Cake."  I am working on getting him to wave bye bye!  We also got a new carrier for Andrew.  You will see a picture below of Andrew taking it out for a test run!!!! :)

Check out my Aubie pants!!

Daddy with his boys

Loving my new carrier!

26 weeks

I can't believe our little guy is half a year old!  Time certainly flies.  He went to see Dr. H for his 6 month check and shots, and received a clean bill of health.  Here are his numbers:

Weight: 19 lbs (75th percentile)
Height: 26 3/4 inches (75th percentile)

Andrew is growing like a weed, and never misses a meal!  He is really starting to enjoy all of his new foods and his puffs.  I don't think we have met a food he does not like yet!

Monday, December 5, 2011

25 weeks

Not too much to report this week for Andrew.  He continues to try new foods, and LOVES all of them.  I don't think we have tried anything that he does not like.  I started him last night on peach yogurt and he literally almost ate the whole container.  I think we definitely have a big eater on our hands; just like Daddy!! :)

We are getting geared up for Christmas around the house.  Yesterday we put up our Christmas Tree (next year Jeremy says we are getting a real one) along with all of the other house ornaments.  Andrew watched as Jeremy and I put all the ornaments on the tree with big smiles! 

In other news, we will be headed to Houston for Christmas with my family.  I am excited, although slightly overwhelmed with the task of traveling on a plane with a 6 month old.  Hopefully, however, all will go smoothly and we will make it home without any major meltdowns. 

Milestones and things of note (for Mom to remember)
* you are starting to get very ticklish. 
* your laugh is contagious
* you are starting to try and blow raspberries
* you really like to play with your link rings
* you are looking like you might want to crawl soon
* you LOVE your jumpy toy
* you are like to snuggle (you almost always fall asleep on my shoulder each night when I am 
   putting you to bed)
* you have cute chunky thighs ( I call them my little ham-a-lams!)
* you have a cold that refuses to go away!

We LOVE YOU little guy!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

24 weeks

As the shirt says, Andrew is definitely "just like Daddy."  However, I am still hoping for just a little bit of me to come out!  He is continuing in his food endeavors, and has added squash to the mix now.  I think as of now this might be his most favorite food, but we have yet to try sweet potatoes, which I hear is always the crowd pleaser! 

He is so good at sitting up that we have ordered a grocery cart cover for the little man to use in the grocery store and restaurants.  I am more than thrilled to finally be able to leave the heavy car seat in the car. 

We are gearing up for the holidays around here, and can't wait to share his first Christmas with all of our families!