Friday, August 17, 2012

14 months

A quick 14 month post.  Andrew will be moving up to his new toddler class next week.  There are 10 kids in the class; 3 girls and 7 boys!  His two sweet teachers are in for one long year!

Favorite Foods:
- He is still happy to eat any and everything, but he especially loves any kind of cracker and grilled cheese sandwiches.  He also loves fruit of any kind.  We are getting ready to switch him from whole milk to 2%, because our little budda is coming along just fine in the weight department.  

Other things of note:
* He now loves to lay in Ollie's dog bed. He lounges around like it is his throne!

* He loves having Mom or Dad push him around the neighborhood in his car.  
* He loves playing with toys in his water table.
* He loves to swing outside.
* He loves bath time and drinking the water from the tub!
* He gives the best hugs!
* He gives open mouth kisses 
* He does NOT like to watch anything on T.V.  I have tried to entice him with lots of educational DVD's,    but he is not interested.
* Jeremy has to take Andrew with him every time he takes Ollie outside to go potty.  He waves bye bye to me when he "leaves" to go outside.

- Still not saying many words.  He knows ball, which he pronounces "BAAWL", with a heavy southern accent.  He will say Dada, and apparently only says Mama when I am not here.  Who knows!  He follows directions very well and points to things in recognition.  Jeremy and I also swear we have heard him say "brown bear" in relation to the Brown Bear Brown Bear book.  I know the words will come soon, and I will be wishing for those quiet days back!
- He can point to his nose, ears, and sometimes eye.  

Every month he learns so much, and we are having so much fun watching him grow.  

Sunday, August 5, 2012

13 months!

So much to catch up on, and so little time to do it!  Andrew continues to grow like a weed...... or a brick.  He has not been weighed for a while, but I am pretty sure he is about 26 or 27 lbs.  He is definitely NOT a held baby as your arm starts to burn after just a few seconds of holding him.  He continues to eat like a champ and has yet to full on deny any food that we have offered him.

Showing off my beer gut!

We have had a busy month with going to lots of birthday parties, lake fun, first Happy Meals from McDonalds, eating yogurt, and just generally having fun.  He continues to be such a sweet baby who is always happy to give a hug or blow a kiss.  He has made quite the number of "girlfriends" at daycare because he gives out the "best hugs" according to all the ladies who work there.  

We have been hitting up our fair share of birthday parties this summer.  What we know..... this child LOVES cake, cupcakes, crackers, and juice boxes!  It is a good day for Andrew when he gets to go to a birthday party!

He is walking like crazy and is becoming increasingly difficult to keep up with.  He is still sleeping like a champ which Mom and Dad continue to appreciate.  He is starting to say a few "words" like "ba" for ball and sometimes will say Mama, but ALWAYS says Dada.  He knows baby sign language for "more" and we are working on a few other signs for please, thank you, milk, and water.  When you ask him what a cow says he is so cute and says "oooh."  We are missing the "m", but at least he tries.  

Favorite toys right now would be a toss up between any ball and his toy car.  He LOVES to take rides in his car around the neighborhood.  I am sure he would let us push him forever if it was up to him.  

He has also found great fun lounging in Ollies' bed.  I can't get him to get out, so I just don't fight it!

Andrew, you continue to make your Dad and I laugh more and more each day.  You are keeping us on our toes and we LOVE it.