Thursday, April 19, 2012

10 months old!

So sorry to be running a little late on this post, but we have just been busy with life in general.  Our little guy continues to grow and keep Mom and Dad on our toes. 

We have had an exciting month so far with lots of fun milestones.  We started our new daycare the first of April, and so far he is handling the change pretty well.  We still have a few mornings when we cry at drop-off, but I know he is content within a few minutes.  He has taken to eating table food pretty well.  So far he has tried BBQ, sweet potato french fries, pancakes, french toast, green beans, salmon, pork tenderloin, grilled cheese, and a host of other things.  He really likes to eat bananas right out of the peel. 

Doing a little work after school

I think at last weigh we were right at 24lbs, and he is wearing anywhere from 18 to 24 month clothing.  We can't wear the 12 month pants or shortalls because our little thighs are a bit to chunky!!!

This month he has taken to waving at any and everyone ALL OF THE TIME.  Everywhere we go he waves and waves.  At church, he will spend the entire hour waving to those behind us.  He has also added in clapping which is his newest trick.  If we say "clap your hands Andrew" he will immediately start clapping.  It is pretty cute, and keeps us laughing for sure!  I am working on him getting to hold up one finger for "1 year old."  Hopefully he can have this mastered by his first birthday.

Below is a video of him showing us how he can "clap his hands."

.We also broke out in our first rash.  We are pretty sure it was a reaction to Augmentin.  Poor buddy broke out from  head to toe the week before Easter.  The good news, however, was that he was not bothered in the least by the rash.  He did not itch or cry or act at all upset.  

 We don't have a walker yet, but I think we are getting very close.  He will cruise along the couch from one end to the other while holding on, and sometimes he will stand by himself for a few seconds.  We have already started to baby proof cabinets and light sockets, because he is on the move.

Andrew also enjoyed his first Easter Egg Hunt.  Although he didn't do much "hunting" for eggs, he still had a good time.

My first Easter Basket

Dad and I in our Easter Outfits

Waving for Mom

Our little guy continues to amaze us daily with his new tricks, and he always keeps us smiling.  Happy 10 months little man!