Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Emerald verus Pearl

This is what I have been telling Jeremy the past few weeks.  Either this baby will be an emerald or a pearl depending on if he/she comes in May or June!!! So now for the update, or the lack there of in my case.  At today's appointment Dr. T said I was still just 2 cm dilated, but maybe I was a bit more effaced.  Baby is for sure head down as she noted that he/she is so low that I am probably pretty uncomfortable.  She is right on that one! 

Since my BP is still good 100/60 today, weight gain is good, and urine is good then she does not feel a need to induce.  She is headed out of town from Saturday until next Wednesday for a little vacation, so I won't see her again until next Thursday.  Now, it is always a possibility that Baby Owen could decide to come before then, but I really feel like he/she is content and won't make an appearance unless provoked!  So, we will plan to see her next Thursday which puts me one day past my due date of June 1st.  If we make it to this appointment we will probably go ahead and choose to set a date for induction as I will be 40 weeks and a day.  She likes to do her inductions on Monday as she is on call those days, so that would put us on to be induced June 6th! 

So until then I will wait, remain mildly uncomfortable, and continue to potty what seems like every 30 minutes!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

38 and 39 weeks

Tomorrow I will officially be 39 weeks pregnant.  I can't believe Baby Owen could be here literally ANY DAY!  I have my doc appointment tomorrow so I will know more about what is to come in the next week at that time.  As of last week I was still holding at 2 cm dilated and 75% effaced.  Dr. T has given me the option to induce this week if I wish since I have already started to progress, and the baby is definitely head down.  I am still weighing my options, but Jeremy and I have decided not to make any decisions about  anything until after our appointment tomorrow. 

Ollie definitely is aware something is about to change.  He is being even more clingy than normal towards Jeremy and even sometimes me!  Poor thing, he is about to realize he is no longer the Baby of the household. 

I will leave you with a few pictures.  Hope to update tomorrow on the plan of action!
Ollie in his "attached" mode.   He never leaves Jeremy alone!

39 weeks
Me and my only Baby... for now!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

37 weeks

Today marks 37 weeks and a full term pregnancy according to my doctor.  She said if Baby Owen decides to make an appearance at any point from here on out, she's not stopping it! 

Todays appointment went well.  I am 2 cm dilated and 75% effaced, so I suppose that is progress.  Still feeling pretty good, but sleep is definitely getting tougher by the day.

37 weeks

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

36 weeks- Baby Owen Update

Today was our 36 week check.  Here are the stats:

Weight gain- 21 lbs
Blood Pressure- 100/68
Measuring right on track and heartbeat is good
Check today showed that I am 1 1/2 cm dilated and 60% effaced.

Dr. T says that she does not see any reason why I should go early at this point, which is good, because I still have a ton of things to get done!!  She said when I make it to 39 weeks we can discuss induction if I am really uncomfortable, but we will cross that bridge when we get there.

I go back next Wednesday for my next check!