Saturday, November 17, 2012

17 months

I am behind..... nothing new here, right?

Is it possible to freeze time, because I would really like to do that right now.  I can't believe my baby is so close to being halfway to being 2 years old!!  He is growing like a weed, and developing quite the personality.
We had a fun filled October with lots of Halloween fun at school and with friends.  I picked out his Halloween costume on a whim as I was feeling the pressure to get something quickly.  Who knew it would be such a hit!

Surprisingly, he loved his costume and wore all the components including his hat and the bag of golf clubs.  It seems at school he was quite the "ham" during their party allowing quite a few people to take photographs and posing for nearly all of them!

We also had a great time at the Dumontier house with lots of our friends, enjoying a great dinner, and seeing so many other adorable Halloween costumes.

Halloween night Andrew went trick or treating for the first time with his cousin Owen.  He was so sweet to Andrew and "showed him the ropes" of how to get lots of candy!

Finally, Aunt Clare sent us a super fun package in the mail that contained Bat-shaped crayons and a big pad full of white paper ready to be turned into masterpieces!  Thank you Aunt Clare!

Stuff for Mom to remember:
Please (sounds like "me" though)
Thank you
Ruff Ruff
I swore he said Aubie once!

Manderin oranges
All other fruit
Tater Tots
Chicken fingers
Nilla Wafers
Broccoli (at times)
Lima beans (at times)
Syrup on the above 2 or anything else for that matter
Hot dogs

Getting his nose wiped
Changing his diaper
All other vegtables
Riding in the stroller for any length of time
Being contained in any way!

Also, we have had a tough bout with teeth this month.  I am willing ALL of his teeth to come in at one time because he is such a PILL when a tooth is cutting through the gum.  He has become quite the biter at home and at school.  I hate seeing him in so much pain, but luckily Motrin works well with controlling the pain.  This to shall pass, right? :)

See you next month!