Saturday, June 4, 2011

Still here and waiting.....

I wish I could say I was waiting patiently, but that would be a lie!  At our appointment on Thursday everything still looked good.  BP was good, urine was good, baby's heartbeat was good, and he/she seems quite content in my belly.  

I am now 2 1/2 cm dilated and 90% effaced, but I have yet to have any real timeable contractions.  I asked Dr. T about inducing on Friday (the next day) but essentially there are quite a few ladies having babies in June and the inductions are piling up.  Long story short, the first available date I could get in to be induced is Thursday June 9th!  That will put me at 41 weeks and 1 day!

So, it is a waiting game at this point.  We will either have the baby sooner as a result of me going into labor on my own, or it will happen on Thursday with a scheduled induction.  Either way, I AM READY!  I pretty much see every hour on the hour at night due to bathroom trips, but I suppose that is something I should get used to for the future. 

Hopefully by our next post we will have a BABY!

40 weeks and 3 days

40 weeks and 3 days

Ollie taking up residence on my body pillow


  1. I still have you beat: 41 weeks and 4 days! No'll be here quicker than you can imagine and life will never be the same again! Enjoy these last fews days in peace with Jeremy and Ollie! Can't wait to hear when he/she arrives!

  2. Yep, you will still hold the record!!! Here is still hoping that I will go into labor on my own!

  3. Alison, found your blog through Lindsey! Just checking to see if you have posted any pictures of your new baby boy, who I am sure is adorable!
