Saturday, October 1, 2011

15 weeks

Sorry I am a little behind on our weekly updates, but life is fairly busy these days.  I think we are finally getting into a good routine after a few weeks of figuring this new life/schedule out.

Andrew is doing great at school and loving his new friends.  His teachers all say he is very "chatty;"  he gets that one honestly!  He does well with his tummy time and will reach out for toys in front of him and bring them to his mouth.  He is VERY close to rolling over consistently and practices sitting up in his bumbo most every day.  He continues to LOVE his bath time and has a grand time splashing in the tub and getting Dad wet.  As for sleep, we are very lucky to have a good sleeper.  He goes down anywhere between 7:30 and 8pm most nights, and will sleep all the way until we wake him up at 6 am during the week and 7 or 7:30 on the weekends.  I hope that he continues this trend, because we love our uninterrupted sleep for sure!  The only issue we are going to have to deal with soon is the fact that he is getting too big for his swaddle blanket.  He has been swaddled to bed since day one and he really likes it.  I am hoping we can transition to a sleep sack, but I am not going there until we have to. 

In other news, Andrew was baptized on September 17th at Saint Francis Xavier.  He was very lucky to have both sets of grandparents, aunts and uncle, cousin, and great grandmother all present.  Brent and Holley are his Godparents and we are thrilled!  It was a beautiful day, and Andrew managed to do fairly well throughout most of the ceremony.  He did get a little fussy towards the end, but all in all he was a very good sport.  The smell of the scented oil that they put on his head literally lingered for about a week, so on Monday the ladies at school (he goes to a Catholic Church daycare) all knew he had been baptized just by the smell of him!  We ended that day with a low key BBQ dinner at the Owens' house along with a fabulous cake from Pastry Art. 

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