Monday, January 9, 2012

30 weeks- 7 months old

Lots of milestones to remember at 7 months old for our Andrew.  He finally cut two bottom teeth after numerous weeks of drooling and gnawing on everything in site.  He continues to have the snotty nose, but I suppose that is just a repercussion of daycare life! 

Our first two teeth!!
Next up, Andrew has gotten much better at waving goodbye.  This past Sunday at church he was making friends with everyone in the pews behind us waving away to anyone that would look his way.  Clearly we have quite the social butterfly on our hands!

Another milestone, consider it good or bad, was our little guy figured out how to stand up in his crib.  I actually caught a video of this the other night.  Please note, he was not hurt at all when he falls down! :)

Needless to say we now have to lower Andrew's crib.  It seems like just yesterday we were putting him in that very same bed on his first night home, and I remember commenting how small he looked in that big crib.  Now, he is standing up just seven months later!  It seems like you spend the first few months wishing that your child would do this or that, and then you quickly move on to the phase of NOT wanting them to grow up!!

I am pretty sure our days are numbered in Infant I as well.  Andrew is now the second oldest in the class, so I am pretty sure we will be on the move to Infant II in the next month or two.  It will be sad leaving his teachers, but I know he will do well in his next class. 

I am fairly sure we are 20 + pounds!!

1 comment:

  1. big boy!! I love how excited he is at his accomplishment! and that's a great shot of him laying down - you're getting good!
